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Very often people make their first opinion about a person according to a certain stereotype. A person is usually judged by his appearance, outlook, way of life. A badly dressed dirty man is usually associated with someone who has no job and house to live in. It is supposed that a very beautiful girl has no depth and intelligence and is quite silly. On the other hand, a person who wears glasses and a hat, is clean and tidy, might be looked upon as very clever and intelligent.
For centuries people have wanted to know more about those around them. In the nineteenth century physiognomy or the practice of telling people's character from their faces was very popular. The features of the face were examined and commented on in great detail. All kinds of beliefs grew up: larger, more prominent jaws were a sign of passion, narrow receding foreheads - a sign of low intellect, and a larger forehead - a sign of intelligence. The wide-nostrilled nose showed "strong powers of thought" whereas a snub nose showed weakness and an unpleasant character.
In the nineteenth century a criminal was supposed to be a savage in every way - a beast with the narrow sloping brow, prominent jaw and snub nose. The modern criminal is different and so is the way we imagine his face. He is the person the neighbors don't really know, an inward, secretive figure, whose features are flat and unrecognizable. What's more, a century earlier there was a belief that it was possible to build up a picture of a "criminal type". But studies have shown that a criminal displays a variety of features common only to him just like anybody else. And that means that the stereotype may be often wrong.
Another stereotype, that has appeared due to "the battle of sexes", is based on an idea that women are more silly then men and less intelligent, that they are not as good in science, sport, etc. as men are. What's more it's thought that women can't be good politicians. But all this is under a beg question. The statement has been repeated many times and so the stereotype has been formed. Although girls may be as good as boys in science, they are not encouraged in studies, they get less attention than boys. However, if girls and boys start being treated equally at science lessons, if men begin to consider women as equals, the stereotype may soon be changed.
One more stereotype concerns national particular features of people. Persons belonging to a certain nation are supposed to be greedy (Bulgarians, for example), very attractive (French women), punctual (Germans), vodka loving (Russians). Such stereotypes interfere with real understanding of people belonging to different nations because one may have a completely wrong opinion of a nation thanks to stereotypes.
In conclusion I should say that luckily the interest in physiognomy has decreased and still remains only in the public mind, appealing to a basic instinct - our desire to know what characteristics lie behind a face. In my opinion the process of getting rid of stereotypes would make people understand each other better.

Добавлено: 28-1-2004 09:44PM Ответить с цитатой

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Посмотреть последнее сообщение 3-8-2023 07:38AM  soburkhan111

On-page optimization involves optimizing individual
On-page optimization involves optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. Ensure that your chosen keywords are strategically placed in your content's title, headings, meta descriptions, and throughout the body. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can negatively impact user experience and search rankings.

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