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The Russian economy underwent tremendous stress as it moved from a centrally planned economy to a free market system despite the country’s well-known wealth of natural resources, its well-educated population, and its diverse - although increasingly dilapidated - industrial base. By the end of 1997, Russia had achieved some well-observable progress. Inflation had been brought under control, the ruble was stabilized, and an ambitious privatization program had transferred thousands of enterprises to private ownership. Some important market-oriented laws had also been passed, including a commercial code governing business relations and the establishment of an arbitration court for resolving economic disputes. But in 1998, the Asian financial crisis swept through the country, contributing to a sharp decline in Russia's earnings from oil exports and resulting in an exodus of foreign investors. Matters came to a head in August 1998 when the government allowed the ruble to fall and stopped payment on $40 billion in ruble bonds.
Russia, however, appears to have weathered the crisis relatively well, though ordinary persons found their wages and pensions dramatically falling.
In 1999, output increased by an officially estimated 3.2%, regaining much of the 4.6% drop of 1998. Of great help was the tripling of international oil prices in the second half of 1999, raising the export surplus to $29 billion (oil and gas dominate Russian exports, so Russia remains highly dependent upon the price of energy). The ruble stabilized, inflation was getting moderate, and investment began to increase again. Russia is making progress in meeting its foreign debts obligations. Russia not only met its external debt services but also made large advance repayments of principal on IMF (International Monetary Fund) loans and also built up Central Bank reserves with government budget and trade.
Fiscal policy has been very disciplined since the 1998 debt crisis, though lack of legislation and, where there is legislation, lack of effective law enforcement, in many areas of economic activity is a pressing issue. Taxation and business regulations remain unpredictable.
On the positive side, the new corporate tax code went into effect and Russian businesses are increasingly turning to the courts to resolve disputes
Nonetheless attitudes left over from the Soviet period will take many years to overcome.

Добавлено: 30-5-2004 08:17PM Ответить с цитатой

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Посмотреть последнее сообщение 3-8-2023 07:38AM  soburkhan111

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Посмотреть последнее сообщение 3-8-2023 07:37AM  soburkhan111

Министр финансов РФ Силуанов: зарплаты бюджетников вырастут более чем на 8% в 2023 году
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Посмотреть последнее сообщение 30-11-2022 03:35PM  expert

Губернатор Подмосковья: в регионе откроют центр ИИ-трансформации
Глава Московской области Андрей Воробьев сказал, что в регионе откроют первый в России центр ИИ- трансформации. Проект будет создан на базе Мингосуправления, ИТ и связи, и работать над ним будут Сбер и областное правительство. В рамках нового проекта в регионе будут заниматься развитием искусственного интеллекта, то есть разработкой, пилотированием и внедрением инновационных решений в разных сферах жизни.Уже сейчас в Подмосковье активно используются проекты с искусственным интеллектом. Например, робот Светлана записывает местных жителей на прием к врачу, приложение «Добродел» автоматически распределяет обращения граждан. Как отметил Андрей Воробьев, регион уже работает над созданием новых «умных сервисов». Так, до конца 2022 года планируется внедрить несколько проектов: искусственный интеллект будет составлять расписание общественного транспорта, контролировать несанкционированный сброс строительного мусора и прочее.
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